Olivia Colman heads to Arundel to film new period drama

Image credits: Netflix

The Crown star is set to film programme between the third and fifth of October

Actress Olivia Colman is heading to Arundel to film new period dramedy "Wicked Little Letters". 

Olivia Colman is starring in the new series, which focuses on finding out who is responsible for anonymous and "obscene" letters being sent to people living in Littlehampton. Alongside her stars Jessie Buckley, who's also heading to Arundel to film the episodes. 

Filming the series is expected to begin on Monday the 3rd of October and last until Wednesday the 5th, with many high street shops undergoing a transformation to fit the aesthetic of the set. This means the high street will be closed from the 2nd of October until the 5th, with Tarrant Street being reduced to a two way road. 


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